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  • Self-taught multidisciplinary artist, Antonio Ceballos combines photography, painting, video art and collage as a form of personal expression. Throughout his career, he has collaborated in conventional and unconventional art circuits, exhibiting in cities such as Tel Aviv, Barcelona, Seville and Malaga.

    Artista multidisciplinar autodidacta, Antonio Ceballos combina la fotografía, la pintura, el videoarte y el collage como forma de expresión personal. A lo largo de su trayectoria, ha colaborado en circuitos de arte convencionales y no convencionales, exponiendo en ciudades como Tel Aviv, Barcelona, Sevilla y Málaga.

  • Artwork is non-returnable. If you purchase a work, and decide that you do not want the artwork, we can work with you to resell the piece on consignment through the gallery. However outright returns at the end of an exhibition, or at any other time, are just not possible.

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