Armand Thierry
Born in Gandía, province of Valencia, in 1970.
In 1995, he completed his studies in Fine Arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts of San Carlos at the Polytechnic University of València.
He was an Erasmus scholar in 1995 and later received a scholarship to pursue doctoral courses.
In 2003, he obtained the Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) at UPV with the work titled "VOCABULARI DE TALLA EN PEDRA," which was subsequently published by the same university in the "Renaixença i Futur" collection.
In 2006, he earned his Doctorate with the doctoral thesis "GLOSSARI ESCULTÒRIC: termes relacionats amb el treball de la ceràmica, el ferro i la pedra," which was later published by the Documenta Balear publishing house and co-edited by the university (UPV).
He has been a part of the Sculpture Department at UPV since 1999, serving as a Laboratory Senior Technician, and currently combines his work with that of an Associate Professor, teaching the subject of Sculptural Processes: Carving. He is a founding member of the group OUR WASTE, whose aim is to incorporate sustainability into artistic practice as an inherent part of the creative process.
In addition to the aforementioned books, he has published various technical articles in specialized journals on topics such as ceramics in "REVISTA INTERNACIONAL CERÁMICA" and on stone in "ROC & MÁQUINA" and "LITOS." He has also published various teaching articles in the UPV's RIUNET Repository on the practice of stone carving.
In recent years, he has participated in various group exhibitions, including:
2022 - Collective exhibition "IDENTITART," Alfons Roig Exhibition Hall, Faculty of Fine Arts, Polytechnic University of València.
2022 - Contemporary Collective, ABARTIUM Gallery (Figueroles, P. Barcelona, CATALUNYA).
2020 - III International Virtual Museum Mundoarti Exhibition, "Christmas Special."
2019 - In support of the SOMRIURES Projectes de Connexió Vital Foundation, Palau Comptal, COCENTAINA, ALACANT.
2018 - ARTBOX PROJECT New York 1.0, Stricoff Gallery, NEW YORK, USA.
2017 - ASCENSIÓN LATORRE - Salone internazionale del Mobile, Saloni Milano Fiera Milano, MILAN, ITALY.
2017 - Art and Mathematics, La Casa de l'Ensenyança de Cullera, VALENCIA.
2017 - Latorre - Maison@Objet - Paris Nord Villepinte, Parc des Expositions, Paris Villepinte, PARIS, FRANCE.
He has also held several solo exhibitions, including:
2019 - "MIRADES VIVES," Casa de la Cultura Exhibition Hall in Puçol, Municipal Foundation for Culture and Sports – PUZOL, VALENCIA.
2018 - "BOSC D'ESSÈNCIES," Exhibition Hall of the Casa de Cultura of RAFELBUÑOL Town Hall, VALENCIA.
2015 - "REVIURE'M," Espai Sebastià Miralles, Caixa Vinaros Foundation. VINARÒS, CASTELLÓN.
When you purchase a piece, and afterwards do not want it, we will work with you to resell the piece on consignment through the gallery. Outright returns at the end of an exhibition, or at any other time, are just not possible, mainly because by then the Artist will have been paid by us for the sale.