oil on canva
Can we take our experiences and make them something new? Can we soften the edges ofmemories, make them rounder, more delicate? Or maybe they are like a holes in our soulsthat are ment to be there in interest of changing us all the time?In this series of work Prowaliński is taking his memories and look at them from a completelynew perspective. He resigns from everything that is sharp. He is rounding the edges andrefine his painting gestures. Once again his taking elusivnes of light and transforms it intopaintings. Everything in order to create a portals to his soul. Take the viewer where neither ofthem been before.Here shapes are like vessels, they provide space that the transformation can take place.Vibrant colors lure us to lose ourselves in emotions. He transforms his expiriences in thedarkest moments of twilight. Things that were explicit are now blurry. What once was out ofreach opens a door of possibility. Contrasting emotions lie besides each other makingsurprising and alluring combinations.Memories are changing us or do we change our memories? We don't know anymore. Eachpainting is like a magic circle, sacred space where what was known is now in doubt and whohe will be is not yet defined.
Aleksandr Prowaliński - diploma in the Lithography Studio (Faculty of Graphic Arts, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw) – painter, graphic artist, stage designer, lighting director. He’s collaboraiting with leading theaters and operas across Europe. His artisitc practice is versetille, focused on light, set and visual art. In his works and theater projects, he pays special attention to the role of objects and the organisation of space using colors that are difficult to place on the color spectrum. His artistic sensibility oscillates between monochromatic planes and the depth obtained thanks to the delamination and superstructure of light research - Prowaliński searches in penumbra, avoids categorical colors, evaluates himself a tone lower - where they are not yet fully articulated and therefore they can go either way.
When you purchase a piece, and afterwards do not want it, we will work with you to resell the piece on consignment through the gallery. Outright returns at the end of an exhibition, or at any other time, are just not possible, mainly because by then the Artist will have been paid by us for the sale.